Steps to follow while converting Class Based Components to Functional Based Components

Steps to follow while converting Class Based Components to Functional Based Components

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Here are some steps to remember while converting class-based components to functional components in React:

  1. When converting a class-based component to a functional component in React, you should replace the class keyword with the function keyword and change the component definition to a function.

    Before conversion (class-based component):

     class MyComponent extends React.Component {
       render() {
         return <div>Hello World!</div>;
     export default MyComponent;

    After conversion (functional component):

     function MyComponent() {
       return <div>Hello World!</div>;
     export default MyComponent;

    In this example, we have replaced the class keyword with the function keyword and removed the render() method.

  2. Refactor render method: The render() method in a class component returns the JSX to be rendered on the screen. In a functional component, you can simply return the JSX from the component function.

  3. Identify stateful logic: Look for stateful logic in the class component, such as the this.state object and this.setState() method. Determine how to manage this stateful logic in the functional component using the useState() hook.

  4. Identify lifecycle methods: Determine if there are any lifecycle methods in the class component, such as componentDidMount(), componentWillUnmount(), and componentDidUpdate(). Identify how to replicate this functionality in the functional component using the useEffect() hook.

  5. Identify props: In the class component, props are accessed through this.props. In the functional component, props are passed as an argument.

  6. Identify refs: Determine how to handle refs in the functional component. In the class component, you can use this.refs to reference a DOM element or component instance. In the functional component, you can use the useRef() hook to reference a DOM element.

  7. Test and debug: After converting the class component to a functional component, test and debug your code to ensure it works as expected.

By following these steps, you can effectively convert a class-based component to a functional component in React.